Title of activity: Project of implementation of the care line for people in situations of domestic and sexual violence and other violence in the public health system in Belém PA.

Activity: Integration with society

Objective: To develop training workshops for health professionals on topics such as system notifications and health problems.

Context: Domestic and sexual violence situation and other violences in the public health system in Belém PA.

Public: 430 health professionals, 287 members from Family Health Strategy, 88 from Municipal Health Units and 55 professionals working in secondary and tertiary care (emergency care, including the private health system of the city of Belém-PA).

Location: Belém.

Linked Project or Group: Project "Maltreatment against Children and Adolescents: Limits and Possibilities for Health Professionals Practice".

(X) Research () Extension () development () Others

Innovative experience:

() Yes (X) No

Which innovation:

Coordinator (s):

Actions taken: Training workshops for health professionals on topics such as system notifications and health problems. The epidemiology of violence in Belém / PA and the flow and attendance in the event of violence, among others.

Professors and students involved: 1 professor from PPGTPC, 2 professors from ICB / UFPA, 1 PhD student from PPGTPC and six IC fellows (UFPA students).

Results: 8 workshops.

Duration: Days 5, 6, 26 and 09.27.2013 and 17, 18, 24 and 10/25/2013


Funding / Incentives: PPSUS-FAPESPA- Notice 2012.
