Concentration Area: Experimental Psychology


Research Topic:

Experimental Behavior Analysis: Experimental and Hystorical-Conceptual Basis

Concentrate research projects which investigates 1) Basic learning processes, addressing themes such as stimuli control; Equivalence classes and functional classes; sequencial and ordinal classes; Aversive control; Modification of equivalence classes; verbal behavior; Control by consequences; Metacontingency; and 2) Hystorical-conceptual questions related to the learning basic processes.


Research Topic:

Development of Behavioral Technology

Extension of Experimental Behavioral Analysis principles for practical situations in the human health, teaching sectors, organizations and clinics. Procedures generating behavioral technologies.


Concentration Area: Eco-Ethology


Research Topic:

Ecology of Human Development

Investigations in the familiar and institutional scope in the Amazonian context, about variables of relational and environmental character with the objective of understanding the development processes in action.


Research Topic:

Ethology and Animal Behavior

Studies in animal behavior in field and laboratorial situation investigating biological procedures and variables.