Behavior Analysis: conceptual, basic and applied research

Leader: Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho


Modulatory Aspects of Behavior

Leader: Amauri George Jr.

Deputy Leader: Bruno Rodrigues dos Santos


Behavior and Health

Leader: Eleonora Arnaud Pereira Ferreira


Determinants of Human Behavior: effects of rules, reinforcement contingencies, justifications, cultural and historical variables

Leader: Luiz Carlos de Albuquerque

Deputy Leader: Rakhi P Paracampo


Laboratory of Ecology of the Development

Leader: Celina Maria Colino Magalhães

Deputy Leader: Fernando Augusto Ramos Bridges

Check out the group's website


Laboratory of Study of Complex Behavior

Leader: Grauben José Alves de Assis

Deputy Leader: Olivia Misae Kato

Check out the group's website


Empirical and Conceptual Issues in The Acquisition of Symbolic Repertoires in Children With and Without Developmental Delay

Leader: Carlos Barbosa Alves de Souza