The Behavioral Theory and Research Graduate Program (PPGTPC), that is part of the Center for Behavioral Theory and Research (NTPC) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), started their activities in 1987 with the Academic Master's degree Course in Psychology: Behavioral Theory and Research. The PhD was offered from 2000.

Recognized by CAPES, under the Ordinance No. 84 of 12/22/94, and by the Ministry of Education and Sport, under the Ordinance No. 694 of 06/13/95, the Program, at the last evaluation by CAPES, concerning to the 2010-2012 period, obtained note 5.

It consists from two Concentration Areas: Experimental Psychology and Eco-Ethology; and four research topics. The Experimental Psychology area is formed by the following topics: Experimental Behavior Analysis: Experimental and Hystorical-Conceptual Basis; and Development of Behavioral Technology.

The Eco-Ethology area is structured from the following topics: Ecology of Human Development; and Ethology and Animal Behavior.

The goal is to train researchers in Master's degree and PhD. It is expected to the student, at the end of the course, to be able to demonstrate conceptual and methodological domain in behavior study; guide and conduct research in the area; and adapt and develop relevant behavioral technologies for the solution of regional problems.

Currently there are 12 permanent professors in the Program, with research projects related to the Concentration Areas. The researches coordinated by advisors are financed by funding agencies such as CNPq, CAPES, FINEP and UFPA.

In addition to the funds raised by the research projects, the PPGTPC receives from CAPES and CNPq, Master's degree and PhD scholarship quotas to which students may apply. However, the execution of the request is according to the availability of scholarships.

