

Category: Research Cooperation


Activity's description:
The Social Behavior and Cultural Selection Laboratory (LCSSC), coordinated by Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho, maintains collaboration with the research group of Sigrid Glenn (University of North Texas), developing activities in international events, sandwich placements, preparation and evaluation of projects and publications.

Linked Research Project:
Intertwined contingencies, macrocontingencies and metacontingencies: analysis of human behavior in the modern world.

Duration of Activity:
Started in 2011 (in progress).

Involved Institutions:
UFPA, PUC-SP and University of North Texas.

Number of professors and students involved:
Three professors, all students from LCSSC.


Category: Research Cooperation


Activity's description:
The proposal is to invest in cross-cultural studies related to the influence of parental socialization goals in pro-social development of children in different eco socio-cultural contexts.

Linked Research Project:
The influence of socialization goals and practices of caregivers in the development of prosocial behavior in childhood: a cross-cultural study.

Duration of the Activity:
Started in 2013 (in progress).

Involved Institutions:
UFPA / LED and Niedersächsisches Institut für Bildung und Entwicklung frühkindliche (NIFBE) / Germany.

Number of professors and students involved:
Three professors and a student from PPGTPC (NIFBE - Moritz Köster), Cognitive Science and Psychology student of the Research Unit on Development, Learning and Culture, the same institution, based in Osnabrück, Germany.


Category: Research Cooperation


Activity's description:
The Advanced Studies Laboratory of Evolutionary Psychology (LEAPE), coordinated by Regina Brito, conducts research activities with Austrian organization Autonomes Zentrum von & für Migrantinnen.

Linked Research Project:
Behavioral Endocrinology.

Duration of Activity:
Started in 2010 (in progress).

Involved Institutions:
UFPA / LEAPE, Austrian Organization Autonomes Zentrum von & für Migrantinnen

Number of professors and students involved:
One professor, all students from LEAPE. 


Category: Research Cooperation


Activity's description:
The Neuroscience and Behavior Laboratory (LNCC), coordinated by Amauri Gouveia Jr., has collaborated with Angelo Bisazza, University of Padova, Italy, in the investigation of quantity perception in fishes through operant technologies.

Linked Research Project:
Modulatory aspects of anxiety and depression: animal and humans models.

Duration of Activity:
Started in 2014 (in progress).

Involved Institutions:
PPGTPC and University of Padova (Italy).

Number of professors and students involved:
One professor, all students from LNCC.  


Category: Research Cooperation


Activity's description:
The Neuroscience and Behavior Laboratory (LNCC), coordinated by Amauri Gouveia Jr., began research exchange with Kazuchika Manabe, from the Nihon University in Japan. Kazuchika Manabe had been in the program for a week in late August, aiming to know the facilities to start study of impulsivity in Zebrafish. It was submitted to CNPq PVE scholarship application to the professor.

Linked Research Project:
Modulatory aspects of anxiety and depression: animal and humans models.

Duration of Activity:
August 2014 (in progress).

Involved Institutions:
PPGTPC and Nihon University, Japan.

Number of professors and students involved:
Onde professor, all students LNCC.


Type: Research Cooperation


Activity's description:
The Neuroscience and Behavior Laboratory (LNCC), coordinated by Amauri Gouveia Jr., develops collaborations in research animal models of anxiety and depression with Rui Felipe Paes de Oliveira - Applied Psychology Institute - ISPA - Portugal.

Linked Research Project:
Modulatory aspects of anxiety and depression: animal and humans models.

Duration of Activity:
Started in 2012 (in progress).

Involved Institutions:
PPGTPC and Psychology Institute Applied - ISPA - Portugal.

Number of professors and students involved:
One professor, all students LNCC.




Category: Research Cooperation


Activity's description:

Exchange between the Complex Behavioral Processes Laboratory: aversive contingencies and ontogenesis of creativity (LPCC) of PPGTPC, coordinated by Marcus Bentes, with Biobehavioral Analysis Laboratory, Institute of Psychology, Universidade de São Paulo.

Linked Research Project:
Aversive contingencies and creative behavior: basic and complex behavioral processes.

Duration of Activity:
From 2010 (in progress).

Involved Institutions:

Number of professors and students involved:
Two professors (UFPA and USP), all students connected to them.


Category: Attendance and Research on Learning and Development (APRENDE)


Activity's description:
Program of education, research and extension aimed to (1) the attendance for children with delayed development, especially those diagnosed with autism; (2) to applied research on variables related to interventional procedures; (3) to basic research on discriminative repertoire of teaching; and (4) to training, at different levels (undergraduate, Master's degree and PhD), professionals with experience in research and attendance for children with delayed development. The APRENDE develops its activities in collaboration with several members of researchers from the National Institute of Science and Technology on Behavior, Cognition and Education (INCT- ECCE).

Linked Research Project:
APRENDE - Attendance and Research on Learning and Development.

Duration of Activity:
From 2012 (in progress).

Involved Institutions:
UFPA / PPGTPC, University Hospital Bettina Ferro de Souza - UFPA members and researchers of the INCT-ECCE.

Professors and students involved:
Three professors, 10 students from UFPA and a variable number of professors and students from INCT-ECCE. 


Category: Research Cooperation


Activity's description:
Joint development of research. Operation with the research group of ANPEPP- Integration Parent-Infant / Child, in the project: Parental Beliefs and Goals of Socialization of Emotions in Children. The proposal is to compare parental beliefs and goals od socialization of emotions in two distinct socio-cultural contexts (Rio de Janeiro-RJ and Apeú-PA).

Linked Research Project:
The influence of socialization goals and practices of caregivers in the development of pro-social behavior in childhood: a cross-cultural study.

Duration of activity:
Started in 2013 (in progress).

Involved Institutions:

Professors and students involved:
Three professors (one from LED and two from UFRJ) and four students.


Category: Research Cooperation


Activity's description:
Applied Behavior Analysis and assistive technologies for people with delayed cognitive development (funding - PGPTA - Capes / SDH / MCTI). This proposal seeks to integrate the efforts that are being developed in the Theory and Behavioral Research Graduate Program (UFPA), Developmental Psychology and Learning (Unesp-Bauru) and Psychology (UFSCar) in conducting translational and technological research projects and the formation of qualified human resources that impact positively on the implementation of the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis in interventions for people with delayed cognitive development in Brazil. Four subprojects will be developed that seek to: 1. Develop and implement an articulated set of tools and efficient techniques to train parents, teachers, caregivers and other professionals on the fundamental skills to apply analytical and behavioral education programs for children diagnosed with autism; 2- To develop computerized procedures and assess reading prerequisites for building words and sentences diagnosed students with autism; consolidate the teaching procedures used by the research group that produce few or no errors, making them more efficient and economical, creating a computerized learning technology that allows generalization to situations close to the student in the classroom; 3- Establish receptive and expressive verbal repertoire for multiple copies instruction for children with pre-lingual hearing loss and cochlear implants with delays in language considering preliminary evaluation of the hearing based on selection and echoic vocal responses and naming objects / properties / events ; and 4- To develop and validate tools that enable early screening of risks for difficulties and disorders in learning mathematics; identify the role of counting and visual enumeration in the purchase of pre-math skills; develop functional resume involving aid strategies to individuals with cognitive limitations and communication. As a direct result of the development of these sub-projects will be formed six Masters and four doctors trained to work in research and development of assistive technologies for people with delayed cognitive development.

Linked Research Project:
Applied Behavior Analysis and assistive technologies for people with delayed cognitive development.

Involved Institutions:
Behavioral Theory and Research Graduate Program (Universidade Federal do Pará), Developmental Psychology and Learning Graduate Program (Universidade Estadual Paulista -Bauru) and Psychology Graduate Program (Universidade Federal de São Carlos).

Duration of Activity:
Started in December 2014 (in progress).

Professors and students involved:
Four professors from UFPA, one form UNESP, three from UFSCar, nine students from UFPA, two from UNESP, four from UFSCar.


Category: Research Cooperation


Description of Activity:
Evaluation of induction impact of a virtual network of support and learning to individuals with disabilities and their families. Neurological and psychomotor disabilities, such as cerebral palsy and spina bifida, entail limitations not only to affected individuals, but also for their families. The particulars of the person with disabilities affect the family system may influence, for example, network support, in future expectations, resilience, and the stress in co-parental relations. Despite recent technological advances, the virtual tools to this little audience have been used in Brazil. Using Forums as a empowerment generator tool has been a practice in countries such as Germany. International experience has shown that virtual forums provide individual and contextual gains, since they facilitate access to information, the exchange of experience, empowerment and social participation. In this sense, it is necessary in Brazil to identify and develop new technologies that can assist in the training and support to these individuals and their contexts. This project aims to generate and evaluate the induction impacts of a virtual network of support and learning for individuals with disabilities and their families. Initially, the variables pre-forum measurements will be made Parenting, Co-parenting, Resilience, Perceived Stress, Support Network, Total Network and Personal Network. There will be an intervention phase through the development, training, monitoring and evaluation of a virtual forum. Finally, the same variables in the initial phase will be retested to verify the induction impact of the virtual network of support and learning in users. For the implementation of this project are involved three teams (UFPa, UFMG, USP-RP) with theoretical fields and convergent methods giving the interdisciplinary character of the project. The aim, ultimately, build a panorama that can view the interference of participation in the virtual forum on different variables of the person with cerebral palsy or spina bifida and their families. Accordingly, the effects of the intervention will be analyzed in order to generate practical and operational knowledge, expressed in the form of assistive technologies for people with disabilities and their family groups. Finally, beyond the empirical data that will be obtained, it is believed that, in the end, this project will enable the construction of an innovative product, a virtual forum for people with spina bifida / cerebral palsy and their families, which will be available for use by interested contributing to quality of life of this population.

Linked Research Project:
Induction impact of a virtual network of support and learning to individuals with disabilities and their families

Involved Institutions:
Theory and Behavioral Research Graduate Program (Federal University of Pará), Fundamental Nursing Graduate Program (USP Ribeirão Preto), Demography Graduate Program (UFMG), Sociology Graduate Program (UFMG).

Duration of activity:
Started in December 2014 (in progress).

Professors and students involved:
Two professors from UFPA; one from USP-Ribeirão Preto and two from UFMG, four students from the framework of UFPA, four from USP and three from UFMG.

