Dissertation defense

Title: Videomodelação Instructional effects on the performance of Caregivers in the implementation of education programmes to children diagnosed with autism

Student: Adriano Adams


Teaching caregivers has been a promising methodology to meet the growing demand for individuals diagnosed with delayed development, especially those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study aimed to develop and evaluate the effect of a videomodelação instructional package on the accuracy of implementation of teaching programs for caregivers of children diagnosed with TEA. The videos used had as essential elements: multiple copies, display subtitles, voiceovers and Visual cues throughout the video. We used a multiple baseline design between participants to measure the effect of the application of the videos on the accuracy of performance of caregivers. Participated in this study three parents of children diagnosed with TEA: Alice, Cassio and Fernanda, who have, respectively, an average of 6%, 25% and 45% in baseline measures of behavioral intervention programmes. After the display of videos, participants reached an average of 83% accuracy, 88% and 80%. From these results, it is believed that the videomodelação instructional procedure is promising for dissemination of analytical-behavioral intervention, less costly. It is recommended the improvement of this form of intervention, in order to obtain better results and extend the intervention for larger portions of the population.

Review Board:

  • Prof. Dr. Joshua da Silva Barros (Adviser-UFPA)
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Higbee (Member-Utah State University)
  • Prof. Dr. Marcus Bentes de Carvalho Neto (Member-UFPA)
  • Prof. Dr. Grauben José Alves de Assis (alternate-UFPA)

Location: Razia Auditorium Hadid, on the second floor of the old building of the Theory and research of the behavior (NTPC).

Date: 3/25/2015

Time: 2:00 pm.

